
Welcome to Revan’s Game Reviews. I am an English teacher in North Carolina with a passion for the artform of video games.

This site represents my thoughts, criticisms, investigations, and celebrations of the many interactive media works being created today (and a look back to the classics of days gone by).

I mostly focus on games that I perceive as flying under the radar of the internet mega-gamesphere as well as a lot of critical deep-dives on what certain games are doing or have done for the medium as a whole.

My site also uses a different “rating system” than the traditional scale of 1-10 or “worth a buy?” model. I try to contextualize games both in terms of what they are doing in the greater moment of gaming as well as what kind of gamers they might be of most interest to.

And, yes, my blog/channel is named for the infamous Revan character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It is not the greatest game ever made, but it is my greatest game ever played.

Thank you for visiting and happy gaming!

